The Champions

The Champions


*1. What does SUCCESS mean to you?
*2. Are you achieving your Goals in life or going towards where your goals is?
*3. What am I doing today to live my dream?

You may have pictured a beautiful big house , a shiny sport car or luxury car, shopping, vacations, lots of money coming in  on a regular basis, the income that would give you the freedom you desire..etc..



YES! They may be the results of success but they don't really define it.

You need to have a clear definition of what success means to you. 

It's the only way for you to know what you're working toward and how to determine when you achieved it.  

That make sense, doesn't it?

Ask yourself the same question again;  
"What does success really mean to me?"


"The first law of concentration
to blend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, 
looking neither to the right nor the left"
William Matthews


Once you have the answer to yourself......
What is next? 

Here we would like to share with you an idea and a scenerio....

WHAT if... could make 6 figures income or more simply by helping other people to live better financially?
 WHAT if... could get ALL the benefits of that "Ideal" business you dream of 
(more hours to yourself, more flexibility, free holidays, stress free & amazing income)


combine it with the incredible feeling of self-worth, 
simply because you are helping other people to live happier, more fulfiling lives?

"The best way to help yourself is to help and serve others"
Our products and system make it possible.

Seems too good to be true?

It's not.

That's is your everyday lifestyle if you have your own business, especially financial related.

Why not come with an open mind 
explore what and how we do our business more in depth, 
you have nothing to lose and all to gain

Call us for an appointment

"God help only those who help themselves"

After all said..what's next??
A very frightening word because...
It is link with BIG capital
another frightening word...  
 It is also link to SALES
another frightening word...

It is also link to RISKS
another frightening word..

That's why the POOR  keep on working 
the RICH...
and then they complained that the bosses 
don't pay them well.

Come 'on....
.the bosses take all the "frightening" actions mentioned up there...
I think it is only fair that they are richly REWARDED.


 So are you a Business person 
a "Beesiness" person "beezee"
making "money"
for the Business person?

If you were check the "frightening" words to the links, 
you would have notice that all those words 
......are about sharing or promoting 
a products or services 
to consumers or clients
in exchange for a fees or profit in monetary form
that will increase the wealth of it's owners.

 Your bosses are the owners,
they paid you in exchange for your TIME
in order that you will make "money" for him
so that he will be RICH.
And they will have plenty of TIME 
to do what they want to do..

You promoted (sold) your TIME 
to your Boss in exchange for a fees
....your salary
 If the fees is good...that's fine..
 If not..shouldn't you be putting 
a thought in 

That should be the 
Ultimate Goals in LIFE

We are all born PROMOTERS
not SALES person
Just be a PROMOTER 
in your business not others

Wealth Files #8 (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)
Resenting promotion is one of the greatest obstacles to SUCCESS.
People who have issues with selling or promotion are usually broke.
(Even as an employee, if you don't promote your virtues, 
someone who is willing will quickly bypass you on the corporate ladder.)

The following maybe one or more of the reasons
why people have problems with promotions and sales
#1. Bad experience with people in the past promoting to you inappropriately
#2. Been approached by Sales person with the "Hard Selling" and couldn't take "NO" for an answer
#3. Too persistent and bothering you at an inopportune time
#4. Was totally "rejected" when you tried to sell something to someone last time.
#5. Projecting your own fear of failure or rejection from those rejected experience
#6. From past parental programming
#7. The high and mighty syndrome, "Aren't I so special" attitude,
if people want what you have, they should somehow find and come to you.
(people who have this belief are either broke or soon will be, that's for sure)

In any case, it is important to recognise that the experience are in the past 
and does not neccessarily equal to the future.

RICH people are almost always 
excellent promoters,
ever ready and willingly promoting 
their products, 
their services and ideas 
with passion and enthusiasm.

Let go of the past and have an OPEN MIND
and see what opportunity you can find in CWA.

Do you know where you will be in 5 years, 10years , 15 years time?
Most people never achieve what they want .....

Start mastering the steps towards achieving 

Eliminate the SELF-SABOTAGING habits.
Your success journey starts with your first little steps

HAve a chat and coffee with us.
The best is yet to come.......